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RE: (ASCEND) 56K modem disconnects

I used to experience disconnects before going to V2.0 on my TNT.  Since then, I do not get the disconnects once a user gets logged in to the  net but a number of users have difficulty connecting from locations with less than ideal phone lines.  These users can dial-in to modem pools with less sophisticated modems but fail when dialing into the TNT with the K56Flex modems.

One possible solution I have found (it has helped some but not all clients) is to configure the (Win95) client without the "Enable Software Compression" selected which can be found under server types in the properties of each dial-up connection.

Semper Fi!

-----Original Message-----
From:	Ken Kosierowski <> [SMTP:Ken Kosierowski <>]
Sent:	Monday, April 06, 1998 7:37 PM
To:	<>
Subject:	Re: (ASCEND) 56K modem disconnects

I have been experiencing them periodically too with the MaxTNT v2.0.3 .

Ken Kosierowski

At 04:14 PM 4/6/98 -0500, you wrote:
>Has anyone had any complaints with the 56K Flex modems disconnecting at
>random?  I have three Max 4048 boxes with 2 - 24 count modem cards in each.
> I've had quite a bit of trouble here and starting to hear some complaints
>with my customers.  Do you have any suggestions?

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