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(ASCEND) 4048 V6.1.7 MPP problem


Anyone have experienced ISDN connection problem after upgraded to V6.1.7?
(seems a standand formatted question for every upgraded code since V.6.1 :(
just wonder why can't they release a stable code for ones).

On the max upgraded to 6.1.7, there seems to be login problems with all MPP
(128K ISDN) connections. Some may works while connecting to 64K but when
enabled the 128K then hang. Some may works with 128K but when another 128K
logs in then all hang. Also there are duplicate IPs, for example, domain1
will show 111.222.333.200, domain2 will also show 111.222.333.200 from the
"show users" in the terminal sessions (in fact, domain1 should be (local) and domain2 should be 111.222.333.200. This problem
disappeared once we have downgrade it back to 6.1.3. 

Any idea on what happen, and advice on fix.


Bosco Tsang
BA, PgD (G.I.S.)
InterPacific Online
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