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Re: (ASCEND) Imac is here, and it STILL...

J-Mag Guthrie wrote:
> On Fri, 28 Aug 1998, Darkshot wrote:
> > still has the same old MacPPP problem we've had forever, in
> > that it refuses to assign dynamic DNS servers. They have to be hardcoded
> > in the Mac settings- just like every other Mac we've seen since we were
> > on 4.6+ Ascend code.
> The way we deal with this is to have 192.168 addresses for our name
> servers. (We actually did this the first time we had to renumber.)  That
> way, hard-coding a DNS server doesn't mean you have to go and change
> anything on any customer's system when the DNS changes for whatever
> reason.
> - J-Mag Guthrie

That's a good idea...
but wouldn't really work for us- we have multiple backbones but
(stupidly enough) the nameservers are only on one of 'em. We're
working on all this, but it's all we can do to keep ahead of demand.

Do Macs just not DO this? If not, why do they have the setting for
server-assigned DNS?


Darkshot (Michael B. Garrett)
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