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Re: (ASCEND) NT RADIUS Servers (was RE: ) wrote:

> Is anyone
> running radius on a NT server? When a user dials into the MAX. I push the
> auth request to my Radius server(Which is running on NT 4.0
> srv). I'd like
> to upgrade my ver of Radius. I'm currently running ver 1.0
> In NT there is a nice ACW(access control wizard) gui that makes
> adding user
> accounts very easy. Wher can I find the upgrade sw. Everytime I assk
> someone at Ascend about this they tell me to use Radius on
> Unix........I'm

Lucent NavisRadius 3.0 is JAVA based and is fully supported on NT.  It
includes a bundled Sybase SQL database server (NT and Sparc Solaris) and a
GUI for adding and removing users from the database.   NR 3.0 is scheduled
for release this month.  For more information you can e-mail  with any questions and they can help.

Thomas C Kinnen - <> <> 
[RADIUS Engineer] - LUCENT Technologies INS
"All of the opinions stated above are my own and not my employer's,
unless they were given to me by my employer"
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