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Re: (ASCEND) diag commands

At 22:27 1998/02/21 +0100, Rob Dirksen wrote:
>What is the effect of the command nvramclear ? does it reset the unit in
>its "virgin" factory state without affecting the code ic. only clearing
>the configuration.

to do this you'll need to:      fclear

to erase both the Flash RAM and NV RAM copies of the config.

>Where do I find more elaborate help on all the diagnostic commands; some
>of the online descritions are pretty cryptic.

as these commands a "intended for use during a support call"
when Ascend Tech support asks you to check a debug output,
there havn't been any real docs on most of the commands...

-Jim H
Jim Howard             Sr Network Engineer        Lyceum Internet     404.248.1733     

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