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(ASCEND) Migrating 4048 stack to 6096 stack

We are in the progress of changing from a stack of (3) PRI fed 4048 to
(4) 6096's (we added 10 PRIs recently)

My question is that i was running 7.0.22 build ftik.m40 on my 4048
stack, and my 6096's are running 8.0.1 tbaxkh.m60 software in a stack.

Is there a better software version to be running, I really don't need
appletalk routing, I'm just having v.90 and ISDN customers connect via
PPP (IP only) to this equipment.  Anyone know what is the best software
build and version for this situation?  like a tik.m60 or something (but
the latest and most stable release) ?


Steve Pierce, MCSE, CWNE
Network Engineer
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