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Re: More Thoughts.

 Alchemy:  Sure, hauling it back to town may be realistic, but with
word of recall (or even dimensions door), distance becomes much less
a factor.  Also, in many cases, all that distance does is add
time (random monsters don';t exist, and you can kill all the monsters
before you get to your destination.  Although, depending on the map
reset time, this may vary..)

 Also, even with alchmey spell, it would still be cost effective to
haul the items back to town than to alchemy them, because value after
alchemy will always be less than what you could sell them for.

 Scale:  The 'problem' is that you are just as large outside as you
are in a dungeon.  Cast a large fireball, and have the mountain range
is covered.  Likewise, in some cases, the distance between shops inside
the town is more than the distance between the towns themselves..

 As for combat:  To outside people, a combat symbol could perhaps be made.
IF they try to move to where that symbol is, they also become part
of the combat.

 Tiling:  The advantage this has over one large map is you have
separate maps, so a person could design a part of a continent, for example,
and instead of merging it into the present continent (which there really
isn't a way to do so right now), you just add these maps to the
existing one, modify the border ones a little so they link up, and
your set.  (I suppose you can do that right now.)  However, I think
it would look nicer that as you reach the edge of one map, instead of
seeing blackness, you see the edge of the map your moving to.

   Mark Wedel