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Save patch for HP-UX

Here is a patch I made to get saving to work on an HP700/RX
xterminal hung off of an HP730 snake, running HP-UX.  The
xterminal has a keyboard resembling the IBM-PC clone standard
101-key keyboard.  The HP730 console has a traditional HP

Whenever you save and re-load, the shift keys cause movement.
Specifically, left-shift causes downward movement, and right-
-shift moves you down and to the left.  Curiously, this only
affected the xterminals, but not the console display (note the
different keyboards).  Also, when reloading, "Old-fasioned
variable" errors appear on STDERR, and if you save multiple
times, the save file gets more and more corrupted.

Whenever a keycode would have no symbol, return the string
"(null)" instead of null-string.  (I noticed that the save
files on a different platform had these "(null)" strings,
while the HP730 didn't.)

- T. Alexander Popiel <> (Talek)

PS. As a new subscriber to the mailing list, I may not receive
    replies to the list immediately.  Please bear with me.  :-)

*** login.c.old	Thu Jan 28 23:41:42 1993
--- login.c	Mon Feb  8 11:41:07 1993
*** 127,135 ****
  char *keycodetochar(object *pl,KeyCode k) {
    KeySym ks=XKeycodeToKeysym(pl->contr->gdisp,k,0);
    static char buf[MAX_BUF];
!   if(ks==NoSymbol)
!     return NULL;
!   strcpy(buf,XKeysymToString(ks));
    return buf;
--- 127,137 ----
  char *keycodetochar(object *pl,KeyCode k) {
    KeySym ks=XKeycodeToKeysym(pl->contr->gdisp,k,0);
    static char buf[MAX_BUF];
!   if(ks==NoSymbol) {
!     strcpy(buf,"(null)");
!   } else {
!     strcpy(buf,XKeysymToString(ks));
!   }
    return buf;