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Oh.. server..

Jonathan Roy writes:
 > Oh, crossfire -server comes nowhere near to working. No use
 > reporting it's output. It's not even in teh ball park. :)

I'm also running SunOS 4.1.2 here and have had problems with the server mode.
I have found that if you #define SPEED_GAME to turn off the error checking
the server mode will work.  Otherwise it complains about an error in the 
maps (map not loaded).  There also appears to be some problem with protocol
for client/server communications.  I believe this is what is actually crashing
the game, not the maps.  Apparently crossfire is segfaulting when it gets
some unexpected message from the client.  #define'ing SPEED_GAME also takes
care of this problem...

Unfortunately, def'ing SPEED_GAME means it crashes more often.  I am looking
into this.  If I find what the problem is, I'll let you know.  
