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I redid the spellpoint expenses

And some other things, for the spells listed in the table I mailed before.

All the changes were done in spell_params, so you don't need to recompile
anything, just put the new spell_params file in your libdir.

This file is available for public ftp at in

The spellpoint costs were computed according to this formula:

sp = 1/10 ( Dam + 0.5 * sqrt( MaxDam - Dam ) )

Where Dam is the damage a monster right smack in the center of the 
spell can be expected to take, MaxDam is the damage done to the entire
map by the spell, and 1spellpoint buys you 10hp of damage.

Fireball spells seemed to climb in cost, while cone spells seemed to drop.
Bolt spells in general increased in cost.

