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Crossfire - hints

>>>>> "Papp" == Papp Denis Richard <> writes:

Papp> Big monsters.  Compared toa troll say, how tough is a Titan?  a

trolls regenerate... they're a pain.

the best trick with the standard maps and starting character is this:

Get starting stats of at least 16 int and 12 strength and 7sp... then
hit "n" and choose a mage as a characterand hit "d" to select it.

go to the beginners, get the wand of medium fireall.... READY IT, but
don't cast it.  then hit tab to get a spell.  You can not use 8sp to
cast a medium fireball without using any of the wands charge.

exit out lower right of the castle (town) and exit at the far right,
head NW to santo dominion, take the ship to eeur, take the bottom ship
to unnamed town, go to the prison.. 

raid all chests.  the 4th row somtimes has a chest with an artifact
(ie: dragon shield)

you should have at least ac -3 after raiding this area.  You should
have at least a +2 weapon (if you are lucky)

ok, go to the area with the doors to the "eyes" and open the door,
cast a spell of medium fireball (you may kill one eye) hit + until it
selects the WAND medium fireball, when the fireball starts to go away,
run up and use the wand to zap a second fireball.  You'll kill all the
beholders and you'll be like level 4 (ie: ~5000 experience points)...

Next, leave this area.... and go to castle doom... that's upper left
in the town, ship back home, (to eeur) and then down about 4 spots to
castle doom.... go all the way around in here up until the giants...
then leave.  If you have money or stuff, go to a magic shop and get a
wand of polymorph.

ONLY POLYMORPH 0 CHARGE WANDS (it will give you things like wands of
large fireball with 82 charges :-) )

well, this is a way to get a jumpstart on a new char in a newly
created dungeon :-) ... level 5 in 5 minutes... HOHOHO :-)

Papp> Colossus (do they exist?)  A dragon?

there is a huge @$$ demonlord in a hour on one of the islands (with an
artifact weapon just inside as a teaser).

in one place (I forgot the name) there is a large eye (forgot the
name) and sometimes up to 3 potions in the room.. and you can simply
run in and get them and run out.  NOTICE: drop all + items as the
beholder will cast spells of "cancellation" and take away from your
weapons and armor.

Papp> How do you beat Reapers if you dont have invulnerable to drain?

I've *NEVER* found immune to drain and I've had amulets of prote and
rings of protect and they still drain.  i've polymorphed piles of 50
or more rings and wands and amulets and never found "immune" to drain.

reapers suck.  they take like 10% or 20% (somethinglike that) of your
experience and when you have 300,000 experience, it really sucks to
lose such a large amount of experience.

Papp> We hav a level 13 and level 9 character, and nothing seems to be
Papp> a tremendous challenge - well troll's arent that easy.  And I
Papp> was wondering if it would besafe for us to take on something big

try the demon lord :-)  
titan can be killed with 2 people and one with a bonecrusher+3
titan doesn't offer anything that can't be obtained easier elsewhere.
