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Re: Stats and Races

Peter Mardahl <> writes:
> [ skill advancement ]
Relatively good idea, I like the idea of dividing the skills up.  I'd
like people to develop skill in offence and defence, dividing those skills
into various weapons, and allowing people to train using money would
also be cool

> cleric          hp healed * difficulty of level   wis, int
> thief           opening doors, killing traps      dex, int
>                 and active walls
The cleric and theif skills would be harder to improve because at
least right now most of the game is in killing things.
Speaking of which, I'd like to see the game slow down some.  Right
now, my characters seem to swing about 2 times a second.  This is
really blazing fast.  Try standing and moving your arm back and forth
about 2 feet 2 times a second.  I can't do it for nearly as long as my
characters do.  I'd like to see the game slow down, make monsters more
valuable to kill and make fewer of them.  This would also make the
game scale better to more people.

>   Your 'face' would depend on which branch of skill you had the
> highest level in.
I'd rather have it be based on your original race modified somehow.

> What do people think about this?
I like it.
"It seemed like a good idea at the time"
           -The Mad Hatter
"Yes, you're very smart.  Shut up."
           -In "The Princess Bride"