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Re: magic and fighters

from Scott MacFiggen

>	I personally hate the idea of classes period.  They are
>way too generic and general.  Have you guys ever played Warhammer FRP?
>Instead of using classes they use Careers.  Basically everybody has
>a job or had a job that payed the bills in between adventures.  Your
>job dictated what staring skills you have, what attributes you can raise,
>and what equipment you get.  Its a bit late for this but its an idea.

	We come back to RPGs. The problem is that crossfire maps require all kinds of skills (some monsters are almost immuned to magic and others quite hard to beat without spellcasting). A lonely player should be able to go anywhere, whereas Role Playing Games like AD&D or Warhammer involve a group of adventurers having each his own skills. I enjoyed the Warhammer's Carreers system but in fact players always developp the same kind of skills by upgrading in the job hierarchy. On the other hand, allowing radical class changes would be the same as having no class distinction. I thing we can't avoid the class system as it is now. We can just make it harder for barbarians to be good spellcasters and for wizards to be good fighters. I think too powerfull weapons make the game unbalanced to this point of view.