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Re: Improve weapon scrolls

On Fri, 20 May 1994, Gregor Schmid wrote:

> Mark Wedel writes:
>  >  you sure can - the Enchant Weapon scroll will increase the magic of
>  > the weapon by 1.  In the case of the taifu, the magic is also used to
>  > determine teh ac bonus.
> This looks a bit too easy to me, i.e. all you need is a lot
> of money (resp. diamonds pearls etc.) and the right scrolls and
> you can get a weapon that unbalances the game.

Well, few words about taifu.

It's done in age of 0.8* so I was not noticing the enchanting
of items.

Taifu as a weapon is a defence weapon. It's primary function is
defence by directing or misbalancing the coming hit off from body.
And the secondary function is to work as secondhand weapon. 
Normally the attack is by sticking, but in some cases there is an
edge in weapon so it could use to slash.

So in case of enchanting the increasement of ac is OK. 

> The restrictions that only the person that uses the prepare weapon
> scroll can use the weapon and that you can't enchant beyond your level
> are nice (read: absolutely essential), but how about a bit of extra
> risk ?
> In nethack the probability of overenchanting increases with the level
> of enchantment. This wouldn't have to lead to the destruction of the
> weapon, but maybe could reduce the enchantment or curse the weapon or
> some other little nasties (as well as wasting all those precious
> gems...).

I think this way would be better also. That the failure of enchanting
action would be progressive (like as stages: 0%,0%,0%,5%,10%,30%,60%,...).
The level of character could be a multiplier. In nethack the action of
failure is destruction of weapon, that is a bit too bad I think.
The funnier actions are just (as before mentioned): de-enchanment,
cursing/damning, polymorphing weapon or just destroying it (with
small probability). 

And if in this way the magic-plus is "restricted" to about
6-7, then there would be bigger chance (somewhat like in remove-
damnation) to find it from shops also. And as complement there
would be no need to found any higher plus weapons in shops
anymore (that's mean there are no need to make so big
shops to give a chance.). 

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