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Improve Weapons Take 2

(I guess this was truncated last time. Sorry for the waisted bandwidth)

	I just created my 35 level character a weapon.
	I started out with a Defender and added:
		Max dammage
		Min weight 
		Int +9 (I caculated the potions worng. I though it was
			sqr(improvment * 2), several waisted Int potions)
		Str +12
		Con +12
		Dex +9
		Wis +8
		21 Enchant Weapon Scrolls
	(this raises everything to 30 but Chrisma which I need 3 more potions
	  to get my Cha +10 in one shot)

	I walk through "10 armies..." (brittany/Brest/jes.admini.1)
	 in about 1 minute.

	This weapon is INSANE. It is too over powering. There has to be
	a better upper limit to what these scrolls can do. I suggest
	taking them out of the game and placing a system of earning weapon
	Improving Improvements through VERY difficult quests. 

	I liked the old system where the artifacts were the most powerful
	items around. (there should be a limit to the number of artifacts
	that one person can carry (I have been hording artifacts for a while
	and have about 3 copies of each, I should not be able to do this)).
	I enjoyed finding my first DragonSlayer. I was crushed when the dragon
	still killed me (it's where I learned my Crossfire motto, "You must
	respect the dragon.")

	That's my 2 silver worth.


PS - now that I have my weapon can someone tell me where the quest to fight
Jessy starts? He is my last great challenge. (I can't find the key to open
his castle, that is where he is right?)(I have found the JessyHammor).

" "Lay on, Macduff,
        And damn'd be him that first cries, 'Hold, enough!' "
                            Billy Shakespeare