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Re: CF: "For Beginners... By Beginners"

> Mass of unidentified items ... if you collect sixty bows, it takes just
> 4 platinum coins to identify them, (all from the same manufacturer?),
> and so the return on investment for selling them is much greater than if
> you just collected the low-weight bows.

I would argue that the sorting of unidentified items as currently done
is incorrect.  The automatic sort does not show a count of all the
similar items of the same weight, but it also shows counts of the
different types of bows of the same weight.  Thus, the game has
basically identified the items for the player and the only thing it
hasn't done is give the item's full name.

Seems to me that game would be more correct if it told the player that
he had x bows of this weight, y bows of that weight and so on.  Then
when player identified the items the game would show how many of the
different bows types actually existed (j bows +1, k lythander bows, and
so on).

Also, the theory behind having tons of an item which are all identified
for the same cost is flawed.  If having one item identified makes it
possible to identify the rest of the items then once player has had a
normal bow identified then he knows how to identify normal bows and would
never need to pay again for normal bows.

I think it would be better if an object had "identified as" fields
and player's inventory list showed items according to that.  When a
player picks up an item then game would take a roll and see what the
player identified the item as which could be wrong.  So if player
picks up a normal bow and believes it to be lighter then it would be
added to the listing of lighter bows.  The server would have to maintain
the difference between how it keeps track of actual items vs the different
items the player thinks he has.  But anyway, when player goes to sell
items then store owner would catch the mistakes.  The identify spell
and paid identify would have an incremental cost for each item based upon
it's rarity.  Thus, bows which are common could have lots identified
for a low cost and the spell might be able to cover more categories, but a
big pile of similar good items might take lots of money or several identify
spells just to get through the 25 daggers of weight 1.2 kg.

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