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Re: CF: Servers

On Sep 22,  2:25pm, Jettero Heller wrote:
> Subject: CF: Servers
> I was sitting around, wondering how to find a "good" server on which to play.
> I have my own... but... wouldn't it be fun to play with some others?
> Why not have a "meta" server, to which the Xfire servers report, then have
> the client contact the meta (optionally); and select a server from the
> meta-list.

 As with a lot of suggested features, it is a matter of time and coding.

 At best, there is only a handful of people doing any coding for crossfire or
the clients.  There is a pretty big list of stuff to do, so the coders decide
what is important and tends to work on that first.

 So while that feature may be nice to have, it is not high on my priority list
to actually add.


-- Mark Wedel
