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Re: CF: Disease code mods

> Could we please make diseases line-of-sight.

This is reasonable and I'll consider it.  However, diseases
have recently had their power blunted.  The really deadly diseases
were in the game by mistake, and they were too powerful.

This was originally an intentional "feature", as I didn't intended
diseases to be deadly enough to wipe out a roomful of monsters.

Could you try out the changed diseases?

> As for food etc. I think it would be good if some monsters and food items
> already (randomly) had minor diseases (the flu etc)..
> Perhaps some monsters could be "carriers" ie. They have a disease but don't
> catch it or die from it themselves.

Spectres carry arthritis and can give it to players whenever they "touch"
or "hit" them physically.  Arthritis is non-fatal.

Liches carry leprosy and can give it to players when they "touch" or "hit"
them physically.  Leprosy is always fatal if not cured.
