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CF: Re: swarm spells patch

On Fri, May 19, 2000 at 11:43:28AM +0000, Jeffrey Hantin wrote:
> Okay, I've updated my move_swarm patch for the latest snapshot.  

I've applied the patch to the CVS tree.  From the CHANGES file:

server/spell_util.c: move_swarm_spell():  Improved distribution of
fired objects.  Fixed starting position of fired objects to be able to
hit targets immediately in front the caster.

I've attached the updated version of the patch that I've applied.

diff -ru orig/crossfire-0.95.5-cvs3-patch24/server/spell_util.c crossfire-0.95.5-cvs3/server/spell_util.c
--- orig/crossfire-0.95.5-cvs3-patch24/server/spell_util.c	Thu Jun  8 17:23:54 2000
+++ crossfire-0.95.5-cvs3/server/spell_util.c	Tue Jun 13 15:14:30 2000
@@ -1827,8 +1827,10 @@
 void move_swarm_spell(object *op)
-    sint16 x,y;
-    int di;
+    static int cardinal_adjust[9] = { -3, -2, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3 };
+    static int diagonal_adjust[10] = { -3, -2, -2, -1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 3 };
+    sint16 target_x, target_y, origin_x, origin_y;
+    int basedir, adjustdir;
     if(op->stats.hp == 0 || get_owner (op) == NULL) {
@@ -1837,18 +1839,38 @@
-   if(op->stats.hp)
-        di=RANDOM()%7-3;  /* get a random number of -3->3 */
-   else
-        di=0;  /* fire the last one from forward. */
-   x = op->x + freearr_x[absdir(op->direction +di)];
-   y = op->y + freearr_y[absdir(op->direction +di)];
+    basedir = op->direction;
+    if(basedir == 0) {
+        /* spray in all directions! 8) */
+        basedir = RANDOM()%8+1;
+    }
+    /* new offset calculation to make swarm element distribution
+       more uniform */
+    if(op->stats.hp) {
+        if(basedir & 1) { 
+            adjustdir = cardinal_adjust[RANDOM()%9];
+        } else {
+            adjustdir = diagonal_adjust[RANDOM()%10];
+        }
+    } else {
+        adjustdir = 0;  /* fire the last one from forward. */
+    }
+    target_x = op->x + freearr_x[absdir(basedir + adjustdir)];
+    target_y = op->y + freearr_y[absdir(basedir + adjustdir)];
+    /* back up one space so we can hit point-blank targets, but this
+       necessitates extra out_of_map check below */
+    origin_x = target_x - freearr_x[basedir];
+    origin_y = target_y - freearr_y[basedir];
    /*  for level dependence, we need to know what spell is fired.  */
    /*  that's stored in op->stats.sp  by fire_swarm  */
-   if ( ! wall (op->map, x, y))
-       fire_arch_from_position (op, op, x, y, op->direction, op->other_arch,
-                                op->stats.sp, op->magic);
+   if ( ! wall (op->map, target_x, target_y)
+        && ! out_of_map(op->map, origin_x, origin_y))
+       fire_arch_from_position (op, op, origin_x, origin_y, basedir,
+                                op->other_arch, op->stats.sp, op->magic);