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Re: [TCLUG-DEVEL:162] Java Development software

Quoting George Swan (
> >Okay, I will be the first one to post.  I have not tried NetBeans only
> Thanks.  That gives me enough of an idea so as not to get hooked yet,
> and an idea of what criteria to consider when I start shopping.

I come from a Unix development environment and I use emacs, jde and ant for
building java projects.

I do miss a debugger, but I usually drop the code into Visual Age and work it

I like emacs/jde because I can track on the latest jdk and not have to wait
for the IDE to support it. 

Until recently, there was no IDE for linux, so I HAD to use emacs/jde for
development. I just cannot send working in Windows.

I wish a good command line debugger (like gdb) would support Java. I would be
very happy camper.
Bob Tanner <>       | Phone : (612)943-8700                | Fax   : (612)943-8500
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