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RE: [TCLUG:5493] Hard Drive Addition


There are several HOW-TOs and mini HOW-TOs that might help you out,
depending on exactly what you want to do. Also check the RedHat installation
instructions, as there is a pretty good description of how to split up

How do you intend to use the hard drive? Are you just adding space, or do
you want to move things off the old drive onto the new one? There's a lot of
options, but the easiest and perhaps most beneficial would be to continue
using your current drive as your "root" filesystem and move your /home (and
perhaps your /usr or /usr/local) directories onto your new hard drive. The
majority of stuff that you'll add to over time, such as personal files and
additional applications, goes into these directories, so they would derive
the most benefit from more space. It is quite probable that you'll never
need more than 1.5GB for the other directories, since they really don't
require much space.

Good Luck!

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Barnholtz, Brian [mailto:BBarnhol@BENNETTLUMBER.COM]
> Sent: Saturday, April 24, 1999 1:54 PM
> To: ''
> Subject: [TCLUG:5493] Hard Drive Addition
> I am running RH 5.2 on a Pentium 150, Packard Bell.  I have a 1.5 Gig
> Hard Drive that I have my entire file system on.  I want to add a 6 Gig
> hard drive. Is there any documentation or man pages addressing this
> issue.
> Thanks
> Brian
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