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Re: [TCLUG:20445] DHCP Question

Perry Hoekstra wrote:
> Greet the sun all,
> I have a laptop I setup to get an TCP/IP address through a DHCP server
> when logged in at work.  How would I assignsubnet netmask
> up the laptop when I am at home or when I plug into a static IP
> network?  Right now, I went to look at the networks file within the
> /etc/init.d but it did not exist.  Does anybody have this type of
> problem/configuration?  Is there an easy configuration answer or must I
> create some type of script that detects the presence of a DHCP server?

Best bet is to just set up a DHCP server at home. Personally, I use
192.168.0.x, 1-99 of x being reserved for static IPs, including DHCP
configured static IPs, 100-199 is used for DHCP, and 200-254 will be
used for PPP when I start messing with it...

This is what my dhcpd.conf looks like:

subnet netmask
        default-lease-time 259200;
        max-lease-time 259200;
        option subnet-mask;
        option broadcast-address;
        option routers;
        option domain-name "local";
        option domain-name-servers;
        host bigtime
                hardware ethernet 00:a0:cc:24:d3:d4;
                fixed-address bigtime.local;
        host blipvert
                hardware ethernet 00:20:AF:50:15:79;
                fixed-address blipvert.local;

bigtime (my workstation) and blipvert (web server) get fixed addresses,
which is looked up on DNS. You'll have to put IPs there if you don't
have your own TLD set up. ;)