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Re: [TCLUG:11933] DSL and NAT

On Thu, 6 Jan 2000, Clay Fandre wrote:

> 1. Is there a way to turn off NAT on the CISCO 675?
For sure.
> 2. Does the 675 get a static or dynamic external IP?
Depends on what your ISP requires.  You can set it yourself, as long as
its valid.
> 3. Can you still use DHCP on internal machines?
Probally.  RTFM.  Cisco has awesome docs online for the 675 modems.

Personally, I use a firewall box with these babies and put em in bridging
mode and deal directly with the gateway on the other end.  Seems more like
a lan connection to me then :)

Scott Dier <> #nicnac@efnet 612.301.0265
      destiny's admin       | Robots are most often found in server rooms,   | wire closets, switching stations-basically,
       finger me at         | anywhere that offers maximum expousure to| technology and minimum interaction with
     for gnupg/pgp key	    | human beings.
			    |  -NetSlaves(the book)/B.Lessard/S.Baldwin
			    |    (Robot is a NetSlave caste)