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Re: [TCLUG:18255] Maxtrox and Linux

On Mon, 29 May 2000, Kevin R. Bullock wrote:

> Umm... Just as a note, Matrox != Maxtor. Matrox makes video cards (etc.),
> Maxtor makes hard drives (etc.).

Sorry, my bad.
> The EZ-BIOS stuff can be annoying. Fortunately, my Asus P5A board has no
> need of it with the 30GB drive. If you have a relatively new machine, let
> the BIOS auto-detect the drive. Only if that comes up wierd should you
> resort to EZ-BIOS (read: dumb damn kludge).
I'm running an AMD k6-2 on a M5ALA from ~July '98. I upgraded to the most
recent BIOS version and it still wouldn't recognize the drive on either
auto detect or user defined. Maxtor's EZ-BIOS overwrote the MBR and locked
me out of my linux partition. (It won't even recognize my linux boot
disk.) I just finished a format c: and a WIN98 reinstall to purge EZ-BIOS,
I hope to be back in Linux-space soon.

The Lesson Here, If your S.O. developes a massive Napster addiction make
them buy their own drive space.

Sorry, I know I'm a little OT, but I had to vent.

Joe Laha