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Re: [TCLUG:23060] Reiserfs as root partition on RedHat

hrmm.. last i checked.. you had to boot reiser / with an ext2 /boot
partition for the kernel, and maybe init.. (you can keep it mounted ro)

Thank You,
        Ben Kochie (

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 "Unix is user friendly, Its just picky about its friends."

On Mon, 23 Oct 2000, Clay Fandre wrote:

> Anyone running ReiserFS as a root partition? I created a reiser partition, 
> copied over my /, and when I try to boot off of it all I get is "auto: auto: not 
> found" (or something like that) when it should be loading init. 
> There used to be a how-to install debian on resierfs on the resierfs homepage, 
> but that site is no more. Anyone know where that is?
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