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RE: [TCLUG:23192] MP3s on Debian

I just grabbed Vorbis today.  Encoding takes about 5 minutes per song on a
PIII 700, but the quality is unbelievable.  MUCH better than MP3 or even
WMA.  It's GPL'd also.  It defaults to VBR, but you can still specify a
bitrate and it'll hang around the rate you specify.

-----Original Message-----
From: Philip C Mendelsohn []
Sent: Sunday, October 29, 2000 12:55 PM
Subject: Re: [TCLUG:23192] MP3s on Debian

On Fri, 27 Oct 2000, Andy Zbikowski wrote:

> >From memory nobody has packaged any mp3 encoders for debian. The
> for these software packages might be too restrictive to even shove them in
> non-free. 

There is a lot of patented technology in mp3 or any of the decent
perceptual coders.  Much of it is owned jointly by AT&T Research and
Fraunhofer.  I don't know for sure, but you're probably right about
licensing issues.

Phil M

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