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Re: [TCLUG:98] Meeting Time Decision

If I remember correctly, UNIX Users of MN meets the first Wednesday 
of the month.  Other dates to watch out for (UNIX based): 
	SIGBAP - (UUMs Special interest group on beer/beverage and pizza)
		Third Wednesday
	Twin Cities System Admin. (TCSA)  Third Thursday

			- Jay
   Jay Christopherson                 UUCP: rosevax!maven!jay
> On Mon, 4 May 1998, Joseph A. Heil wrote:
> > 
> > No discussion on the topic.  Anyone with suggestions for the summer 
> > months?  How about the first Wednesday of the month at 7pm, at the
> > same location?
> > 
> Saturdays don't work for me.  I like your idea.  But since some people
> prefer Saturdays, I'd like to suggest a rotation.  If we could meet on,
> say, the fifth of each month, then we wouldn't be stuck on any particular
> day.  How about 7pm if it's a weeknight, noon if it's a weekend? 
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