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RE: [TCLUG:1450] printer server (cont.)

> I just know I've got this printing problem nearly licked. Here's the error
> message I'm getting when I try to print a test page from the Control-Panel
> Print Tool:
> Error printing test page to queue hp4000
> Error reason: lpr: connect: Connection refused
> jobs queued, but cannot start daemon.
> Is this a permissions problem? ls -l /usr/bin/lpr on the server gives:

I don't think it's a permission problem if you don't have trouble printing
from the local machine. I may be totally off but if the connection is
refused like that it seems like the service isn't being offered, or is
being blocked. 

There should be an entry in /etc/services for the lp daemon. I have one
that says

rlp		39/udp		resource	# resource location

this may have to be edited (rlp = remote lp?). I don't think resource is
the right string to have in there (I don't have my printer set up as a
remote printer). Although, there is nothing in /etc/inetd.conf (this will
probably need to change as well). This may be the problem. Someone with
more experience could tell you more.

Hope this isn't too far off track.


Hans D Umhoefer (