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[CLUE-PICKUP] UVic Oggsquad & Friends vs. The World

The Netrek Game Board Proudly Announces:

     UVic Oggsquad & Friends vs. The World

When: December 9th 1997 at 18:30 PST (GMT-8)
Ports: 4566 (UVic Oggsquad & Friends) 4577 (The World)
Observer ports: 4000/5000

The UVic Oggsquad wants some practice after our near brush with
 greatness against BONGO-PENIS & Co. of Smack-80s.  'Tis a frosty
 Tuesday evening in December and we'd like to play some good 
 netrek.  Any takers?  
 How 'bout oggers?

Organized by Rob Chauncey (email: 

Read the Netrek Game Board (url:
for the latest information.
