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[VANILLA-L:862] 2.8pl0


I suddenly got a strange problem after a recompile, it worked before the
Now every players ntserv do a SIGSEGV after they dies and hit the motd.
gdb gives me the following data.
#0  0x1bb08 in main (argc=1, argv=0xefffecb8) at main.c:266

Crash happens on line 266 ...
261         startSBlosses = me->p_stats.st_sblosses;
262         startSBticks = me->p_stats.st_sbticks;
264         setjmp(env);                /* Reentry point of game */
265             /* give the player the motd and find out which team he
wants */
266         if (me->p_status != PALIVE) {
267             me->p_x= -100000;
268             me->p_y= -100000;
269             updateSelf();
270             updateShips();

Text below says me->p_status=1 and PALIVE=No symbol "PALIVE" in current

The strange ting is it worked before the recompile, (even tryed a new
downloaded server with the same result). Can it be caused by a new faulty
lib that the server includes ?
Anyone got the time to help me ?


(gdb) p *me
$1 = {p_no = 0, p_updates = 230, p_status = 1, p_flags = 37756928, 
  p_name = "sand man\000\000\000\000\000\000\000", 
  p_login = "d4sand\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000", 
  p_monitor = "demen.dtek.chal", 
  p_longname = "sand man (F0)\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000", 
  p_mapchars = "F0", p_ship = {s_turns = 170000, s_accs = 100, 
    s_torpdamage = 40, s_phaserdamage = 100, s_phaserfuse = 10, 
    s_plasmadamage = 100, s_torpspeed = 12, s_torpfuse = 40, s_torpturns =
    s_plasmaspeed = 15, s_plasmafuse = 35, s_plasmaturns = 1, s_maxspeed =
    s_repair = 110, s_maxfuel = 10000, s_torpcost = 280, s_plasmacost =
    s_phasercost = 700, s_detcost = 100, s_warpcost = 4, s_cloakcost = 26, 
    s_recharge = 12, s_accint = 150, s_decint = 200, s_maxshield = 100, 
    s_maxdamage = 100, s_maxegntemp = 1000, s_maxwpntemp = 1000, 
    s_egncoolrate = 6, s_wpncoolrate = 2, s_maxarmies = 10, s_width = 20, 
    s_height = 20, s_type = 2, s_mass = 2000, s_tractstr = 3000, 
    s_tractrng = 1}, p_x = 20502, p_y = 81964, p_dir = 96 '`', 
  p_desdir = 96 '`', p_subdir = 373, p_speed = 2, p_desspeed = 0, 
  p_subspeed = -200, p_team = 1, p_damage = 110, p_subdamage = 620, 
  p_shield = 10, p_subshield = 200, p_cloakphase = 0, p_ntorp = 0, 
  p_nplasmatorp = 0, p_hostile = 14 '\016', p_swar = 0 '\000', 
  p_war = 14 '\016', p_lastseenby = -1 'ÿ', p_kills = 1, p_planet = 0, 
  p_playerl = 0, p_armies = 0, p_fuel = 6338, p_explode = 600, p_etemp =
  p_etime = 0, p_wtemp = 148, p_wtime = 0, p_whydead = 2, p_whodead = 17, 
  p_stats = {st_maxkills = 37.039999999999999, st_kills = 3202, 
    st_losses = 1995, st_armsbomb = 2186, st_planets = 41, st_ticks = 0, 
    st_tkills = 10803, st_tlosses = 9299, st_tarmsbomb = 40504, 
    st_tplanets = 2316, st_tticks = 8957880, st_sbkills = 6306, 
    st_sblosses = 156, st_sbticks = 2404010, st_sbmaxkills = 164.13, 
    st_lastlogin = 894745398, st_flags = 125, 
    st_keymap = '\000' <repeats 95 times>, st_rank = 8}, p_genoplanets =
  p_genoarmsbomb = 0, p_planets = 0, p_armsbomb = 0, p_ghostbuster = 0, 
  p_docked = 0, p_port = {-1, -1, -1, -1}, p_tractor = 17, p_pos = 201, 
  w_queue = 0, 
  p_full_hostname =
"\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000", p_avrt = 0,
p_stdv = 0, p_pkls_c_s = 0, p_pkls_s_c = 0, p_timerdelay = 2, 
  p_process = 26356, gen_distress = 1, p_df = 0, p_tg = 0}
(gdb) p PALIVE
No symbol "PALIVE" in current context.~

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