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[VANILLA-L:30] RSA crap and shared libraries

I am getting at least 5 email a week request Netrek server binaries,
mostly solaris and linux flavors. I have been informing the requesters
that I cannot distribute the binaries because of the RSA code inside.

Needless to say, most do not understand :-(

So, here is my pipe-dream. Can the RSA stuff be put into a shared
library? Then we can distribute the "netrek server" as binaries in
tar.gz, rpm, etc.. format and make these people get the shared lib
from some authorized source, kind of like what we do with the source

Just a thought, I have not looked at the code to see if this is
possible, just shooting from the hip.

Bob Tanner <>       | Phone : (612)943-8700                | Fax   : (612)943-8500
Key fingerprint =  6C E9 51 4F D5 3E 4C 66 62 A9 10 E5 35 85 39 D9 

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