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Re: [VANILLA-LIST:2286] Erik Rungi's ntserv/socket.c modifications

On Thu, Jun 10, 1999 at 06:00:13PM -0500, Steve Sheldon wrote:
>  I guess where I was mainly concerned was if the client compiled with
> USE_PORTSWAP was run on a machine with a good connection to the internet
> with no NAT and no firewall.  Such as my machine at home with PPP.
>  In that case, it seems to connect fine with the older servers.

The older server doesn't have a check for CONNMODE_PORT, and connUdpConn()
would succeed, so using a USE_PORTSWAP enabled client from outside the
firewall "should not" break anything.

>  Now from behind a firewall, as I just tested, the new USE_PORTSWAP version
> does not connect with the old servers, but does with the new server.

It does work for me, though.

>  My main concern was really if I was going to have to make two versions of
> the client available.  One for those behind a firewall, and one for those
> who are not.  But it seems I only need to compile one.

The client networking code needs a timeout for the UDP_PORTSWAP mode.
As an example, try connecting to continuum using its secondary address (what you get from and enabling UDP.
The connection fails because the server packets originate from,
and the client goes into a funky state.  In other words, the UDP verification
should fail.  Perhaps this is a server issue and not a client one.

But you probably really only need to compile one version if you're satisfied
with USE_PORTSWAP as it is.

>  Anyway, I just tried it here form work, and it is functioning great!

Yeah, UDP thru FW rewls.  :)

Dave Ahn <>        |  "When you were born, you cried and the
                                     |  world rejoiced.  Try to live your life
Virtual Endoscopy Center             |  so that when you die, you will rejoice
Wake Forest Univ. School of Medicine |  and the world will cry."  -1/2 jj^2