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Re: (ASCEND) Hash Codes

At 12:56 PM 11/4/97 EST, Tim Basher wrote:
>> At the Main Edit Menu, type: <esc> <[> <esc> <=> within one second.
>> No response. Screen should go blank and then ">" prompt.
>1) Does your security profile allow you access to "Sys Diag"?
>   You may need to change security profiles before you try to use the
>   Diagnostic monitor.  Use the "DO" menu ("Ctrl-d") to enter a Password
>   and change to a security profile with more complete access.

Actually you need to look for field features (or similar text), that's
the permissions used to get into debug.

Also depending on which software version you are running, you may have
a DO-menu option for debug.


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