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(ASCEND) Constant recurring FE 29

After weeks of stability (except for the memory leak in 5.0Ap48), last
night all of the Maxen in my Reno POP started rebooting constantly
with this:

FATAL ERROR:  Index: 29  Load: ftik.m40 Revision: 6.1b1
        Date: 04/18/1998.       Time: 10:14:08
        Location: b01fce78 b01fcf14 b010446c b011636c b0114904 b01161f0

This occurs on 5.0Ap48, 6.0.2, and 6.1b1.  There are nine Maxen in a
stack, and they are all running OSPF.

The Max that resets at any given time jumps around, but tends to be
the lightest loaded one, at the end of the hunt group.  This suggests
that I either have a malicious user who has figured out a way to cause
this FE, or I have a new user with something unusual with their
software or configuration that is confusing the Max (such as a strange
PPP stack).  This theory is supported by the fact that everything
settled down around 11pm last night, and started up again this morning.

Anyone seen anything like this?  Any suggestions?

Bruce Robertson, President/CEO
Great Basin Internet Services, Inc.
+1-702-348-7299  fax: +1-702-348-9412
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