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Re: (ASCEND) Constant recurring FE 29

We've determined that the problem below is caused by a user with an HP
Palmtop running WWW/LX Plus (  The user
upgraded from version 1 to version 2 yesterday, and since then, every
time he logs in our Maxen crash with FE 29.

     > After weeks of stability (except for the memory leak in
     > 5.0Ap48), last night all of the Maxen in my Reno POP started
     > rebooting constantly with this:

     > FATAL ERROR: Index: 29 Load: ftik.m40 Revision: 6.1b1 Date:
     > 04/18/1998.  Time: 10:14:08 Location: b01fce78 b01fcf14
     > b010446c b011636c b0114904 b01161f0

     > This occurs on 5.0Ap48, 6.0.2, and 6.1b1.  There are nine Maxen
     > in a stack, and they are all running OSPF.

     > The Max that resets at any given time jumps around, but tends
     > to be the lightest loaded one, at the end of the hunt group.
     > This suggests that I either have a malicious user who has
     > figured out a way to cause this FE, or I have a new user with
     > something unusual with their software or configuration that is
     > confusing the Max (such as a strange PPP stack).  This theory
     > is supported by the fact that everything settled down around
     > 11pm last night, and started up again this morning.

     > Anyone seen anything like this?  Any suggestions?

Bruce Robertson, President/CEO				     +1-702-348-7299
Great Basin Internet Services, Inc.			fax: +1-702-348-9412
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