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(ASCEND)wddial packet truncated

I have a pipeline that dials to the network, WDDIAL is reporting the 

31 bytes
 (17 bytes remaining)
                  ---- IP Header ----
              45  IP Version 4, header length = 5 (20 bytes)
              00  type of service = Routine
            001f  total length    = 31
            bab7  id              = 47799
            0000  fragment offset = 0
              1f  time to live    =  31
              11  protocol        = User Datagram [RFC768,JBP]
            c8e6  checksum        = 51430
        0a020322  source address  =
        0a??????  dest address    =  ** truncated **

it looks to originating from my desktop and possible destination could 
be my desktop as well, but the dest is truncated. Anyone know how I can 
1) get the truncation of the dest address turned off...
2) end this constant dialing...(i think 1) should fix 2))


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