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(ASCEND) Max 4k rebooting

I can't believe it. One of my Maxen rebooted again:

SYSTEM IS UP:  Index: 100  Load: febik.m40 Revision: 7.0.4
        Date: 08/20/1999.       Time: 06:15:13

FATAL ERROR:  Index: 1  Load: febik.m40 Revision: 7.0.4
        Date: 09/09/1999.       Time: 02:47:21
        Location: b012dac0 b012f72c b012ef1c b005def4 b005e620 b010df3c

SYSTEM IS UP:  Index: 100  Load: febik.m40 Revision: 7.0.4
        Date: 09/09/1999.       Time: 02:49:06

I never had Fatal Err. Idx 1 before. Can anyone tell me what's going on?
Which is the best software for a Max4k running 2 PRI's, a 8-Port BRI and

Should I take a Cisco AS5xxx instead?


Sascha E. Pollok 
Technical Staff / Internet Port Hamburg 
Grosse Reichenstrasse 27
D-20457 Hamburg 
Tel.   +49 (0)40 37 49 19-0 
Fax    +49 (0)40 37 49 19-29 
ICQ #38955239

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