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Re: Help on using those bags

> > > The "<", ">", "a" and "d" keys are probably not working satisfactory with
> > > the bags/containers.  Try to use the mouse-buttons instead.  When you have
That's right, I haven't come around to fixing that yet.

> > Some suggestions though....
> > If a bulky item is in a bag, it should not reduce your speed as much as if you
> > are wearing it, or, things that you are carrying without a bag should be more
> > weight.  This would be a bit more realistic.  Although carrying around 
> > everything you ever need without a bag is nice.. there should be some
> > incentive with using a bag.

> Maybe, but bulkyness isn't implemented yet.  Personally I believe you should
> loose speed if you carry 1000 scrolls/gems in your hands instead of using
> a bag (anyone want to draw different kinds of containers?  Scrollcases,
> quivers, gem-pouches, backpacks, etc...)
> Maybe this can be achieved somehow by using a general size-variable on
> all items, and a containment-limit on all kinds of sacks, as well as the
> inventory.

That's right. I have added support for max-limits and also for reduced weight, that
is when you place a thing in a bag all weight is not added, eg bag of holding, this
could be used on all bags to achieve what you mean. "Bag of holding" then reduces
the weight more.
