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Death, graveyards & deposit boxes

>>>>> "bjornlu" == bjornlu  <iso-8859-1> writes:

bjornlu> Adventuring possibilities: 
bjornlu> "Now, here's the key to a deposit box at Wiener's in Santo Dominion,
bjornlu> where is the cash?"
bjornlu> "Wow! A key to a deposit box! Let's get back to town and see
bjornlu> if there's anything in it!"

I sorta like this... now in crossfie (89 something?) you just run
around and bash things...and there are two cases.... you're either way
to weak and you get creamed by just entering the location or you're
way too strong and you go to sleep in the middle of the floor while
hundreds of things are attacking you and you don't take any damage
(ala crossfire and nethack)

I really would like to see "quests" of some sort... right now, I just
start a new game of crossfire, take 3 minutes to get to 5th level so I
don't just die.. and then I just get bored as I do my "quest" of
simply trying to find artifacts.
