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Crossfire & Security (was Re: Getting into a crossfire game)

Mark Wedel writes:
>  However, in the existing setup, after you get your crossfire window,
> you shoud be able to do an xhost -server_host.  If I understand
> things correctly, the access is only needed to start the setup/game -
> what the connection is established, it doesn't care about permission.  This
> would then limit possible snooping to the connection time (however, at
> the same time, if someone starts an x snooper before you disable the
> host access, they can keep snooping indefinately.)

This is correct.
You only need xhost + on while you are connecting. Once that window is
up you no longer need xhost + (this is because crossfire does not
attempt to bring more windows up and once established a window does not
need any security permissions to look after itself)

"When I was younger you celebrated a new job with a couple of beers
 with your mates, not by taking drugs."
                Pat Kidd, Principal of the school that ecstasy casualty Anna
                Wood attended explaining their drug education campaign.