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Re: CF: Comments on documentation, 2 magic system

> From: Raphael.Quinet writes:
> Speaking about that...  I modified the "cast" command on my server so
> that when you use it without arguments, it lists the spells and
> prayers in two sections, like this:
> [snip]

	I like it, perhaps a configuration choice? (but it seems too
	small a change to justify it).

> Also, I use the same technique as the one used for shop listings in
> order to pause after each page when listing the spells and prayers.
> This is very useful for me, because I have one character which knows
> 135 spells and it is not possible to have all of them on the screen at
> the same time (with the "old" pseudo-client which lacks a scrollbar).
> Should this feature be integrated in the next release of Crossfire?

	My vote is a HUGE YES for this. 
