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Re: CF: Alchemy Spoiler

> Anthony Thyssen wrote:
>  This is a reasonable idea, but as Peter brought up, creates problems with
> partial formulas are revealed and player has to put them together.
>  The player vs character knowledge also comes in other areas - all
> keywords/match phrases - an experience player knows what to say and where to say
> it to get the magical goodies, even if that character never found it.  I don'
> see a good fix for that unless you also create a table or something with all
> possibly needed matches.  For example, an experience tower can get into the
> tower in navar city (the one behind the mage shops) without that character
> having done any of the prequests.  In some sense, I don't know if that is a b
> problem - if you put things like special keys, the player will still know whe
> to go to get that information, and still bypass a lot of the work.

Actually, I played a game once which had a good "fix" for this.
Players would receive a MARK on achieving a partial quest.  They would
have to possess this MARK to get past/into certain areas.  We could
put an invisible object in the player, and implement a doorway which
would only pass those who are MARKed.

I wouldn't mind implementing this and changing my own maps so that
players would require the MARK to use the alchemical formulae they
find in my maps.  It's reasonable too:  you can rationalize that
the player would need actual hands-on experience with how to execute
the formula as well as a simple list of the ingredients.

>  Perhaps some of hte problem is the alchemy formulas seem to be too rare in t
> it takes multiple characters to really find complete formulas.

Well, we really ought to have more alchemical quests, and retrofit
more formulae into existing maps as sort of side interests.

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