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Hello all:

Just put the finishing touches on "hAx0r", a tiny flex routine to
convert regular text into "hacker" text.  I've been thinking about
doing this for a while, finally did it.  Hope it gives you a chuckle.

Source code and an i386 binary are available at

Sample input text:

  Linux is a freely available version of unix written from scratch by
  Linus Torvalds with assistance from a loosely-knit team of
  hackers from across the Internet. Linux aims towards POSIX
  compliance, and has all of the features you would expect of a
  modern, fully-fledged unix: true multitasking, virtual memory,
  shared libraries, demand loading, shared, copy-on-write
  executables, proper memory management, and tcp/ip networking. 

Corresponding output text:

  lInux Is A pHrEely AVAiLABl3 VeRSiOn oF uNiX wRiTtEn phrOm SCRAtCH By
  LInus tOrV4lDs wIt 4sSIstANC3 PhrOm A LoOsElY-KniT tEAm Of
  H4XErS FrOM 4croSs tH3 InTErNeT. lInUx 4ImS tOwARdS PosIx
  COmPlIANc3, ANd H4S 4lL oF DA fE4tuReS you woUld ExPecT oF 4
  MoDeRN, PhUlLy-FLeDgEd uNIx: TrUe MuLtItASkInG, ViRtUAL mEmOrY,
  shAREd LiBrARiEs, DeMAnd loADiNg, shAReD, copy-On-WriT3
  exEcUtABlEs, PROpER mEmoRy m4N4gEmENT, 4nD tCp/iP nEtWOrKiNg. 

nOw i c4N iMpReSs eVeRyONE wIt My H4xEr SkIlLs!  :-)