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.muttrc macro and dot-files

Hi everybody.

I'm in the process of transitioning to mutt from Netscrape for my mail. I really
dig it so far and I've got a boatload of example muttrc's lying around to aid me
in my quest for the ultimate configuration.

Before I try to write one of my own, does anyone have a nifty macro for the
index to mark all messages as read? As I copy over my mailbox files for testing,
I've noticed that many of the messages have the "New" flag when of course I've
read them all. 

In a related question, what would everyone think about creating a dot-file
repository on the TCLUG web page? I know there's a site out there for this
( but maybe having a local one would still be cool. I
sure wouldn't mind checking out nifty hacks people have set up in their .emacs,
.vimrc, .procmailrc, .mailcap, .cshrc, and all others. If this would be too
redundant then consider this a plug for I guess. :)


Joel A. Koepp			School: University of Minnesota
77 Bedford St. SE, Apt. 2	Email:
Minneapolis, MN 55414-3553	Web:
Tel. 612.378.4812