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Re: [TCLUG:8163] questions to ask DSL providers

On Thu, 9 Sep 1999, Bob Tanner wrote:

> > > Public IP addresses or NAT routing happening.
> Do you get an IP that is valid on the Internet or does the ISP Masquerade/NAT
> for you. You did go to Clay's talk a you know what that means right :-)
> More of less direct access to AND FROM the Internet (public IP) or is there
> something in the middle translating packets.

OK, that makes more sense. I am familiar with NAT (we use it here at
school). So Public IP addresses == static IP, but what I'm still not clear
on is whether it's possible to have your own IP, but somehow be behind a
NAT system. Is the public vs. NAT question another way of saying static
vs. dhcp?


Timothy Wilson       | "The faster you  |  Check out:
Henry Sibley H.S.    |  go, the shorter |
W. St. Paul, MN, USA |  you are."       |  |       -Einstein  |