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Re: [TCLUG:12143] hello

> someone who has no bloody idea what she's doing with this OS but is
> certain it can't be nearly as irritating as her Windows box?  :)
        therein lies a possibly false assumption.
        my experience is that Linux can be eminently more frustrating than
Windows. however, it is also eminently more rewarding as well. :)
        to me, using UNIX is like godhood, compared to using DOS. however,
in order to be a god; you need to learn all the 'god tools'; like virtual
consoles, background processes, ps, perl, shell scripts, and man pages.
        that said, I'm still learning about all these things myself, and I
expect that nearly everyone else here is as well. :)

Linux offers a whole universe of possibilities; but it can offer a whole
universe of frustration as well. hang around here and we'll help you deal
with the frustration, and show you all the possibilities. :)

Carl Soderstrom
System Administrator	307 Brighton Ave. 
Minnesota DHIA		Buffalo, MN	(612) 682-1091