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RE: [TCLUG:19949] USWest DSL @ 640K

Woot!!!  I guess my DSL hasn't retrained since before I left.  I just
reloaded it and:

netweed#sh int wan0
wan0   ADSL Physical Port
       Line Trained
       512 Kbps down; 272 Kbps up; 136 down baud; 136 up baud
       Line Quality 23 dB
       TX Power +10.1 dB  Remote TX Power +17.3 dB
       GTI FW Rel B.90

Now I'll start tweaking the line build-out and see if we can get that a
little better :)

Adam Maloney
Systems Administrator
Sihope Communications

On Mon, 31 Jul 2000 wrote:

> I guess this isn't too un-public:
> All the 256K DSL was provisioned at 640/272 for a long time, as that was the
> lowest provisioning above 256 bi-directional allowed.
> Then an upgrade to the software allowed them to provision at actual 256, so
> they started doing that for a while.  For a variety of reasons, we decided
> that was too low, (I wasn't privvy to discussions either way) and went
> through and switched everyone back.
> This month everyone who was provisioned at less than 640/272 was switched to
> that rate, the only exception being IDSL customers.
> Jer Smith
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