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Re: [TCLUG:21749] NFS

yep.. linux NFS sucks.  you might want to check to see what version of NFS
you have installed.. there are (3?) several flavors depending on what
distro you use (yes.. adam.. slackware is not the only distro :)  if i
remember right, slackware finaly got knfs in version 7.. but it's nfs V3
(what bsd is probably using) is turned off.. you can either enable V3
support on your linux box.. or disable v3 on your BSD box.. you may have
to upgrade NFS on the linux box.. or if V3 is enabled on the linux
box.. switch it back to V2.. and the BSD box may be anoyed, but serv it
anyway :) (depending on how it's setup)

Thank You,
        Ben Kochie (

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 "Unix is user friendly, Its just picky about its friends."

On Wed, 27 Sep 2000, Adam Maloney wrote:

> Okay, so I've got things fixed to where I can mount from BSD to linux no
> problem, but I'm still having problems mounting from linux to BSD.
> I'm trying to export /home from linux to BSD.  The mount works without
> error, but after I mount it, if I do an ls in the mountpoint or an ls -ld
> on the mountpoint I get a "permission denied".  If I do a mount, it shows
> up as a mounted filesystem, but if I do a df it's not there.
> I checked the mount_nfs options in the BSD man page, nothing looked
> useful.  It's gotta be something wierd that linux does (or doesn't do) by
> default.
> Adam Maloney
> Systems Administrator
> Sihope Communications
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