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RH-7.0 installation blunder

I downloaded the new RedHat 7.0 release Monday night/Tuesday morning and put
the CD image files on CDs Tuesday evening.  Tonight, I tried doing an initial
install on an old Pentium I've got laying around.

I was an hour and a half into the install: all the packages I wanted had been
selected, my formerly RH-6.2 / and /usr partitions had been reformatted.
Seemingly out of the blue, RedHat's wizzbang installer then figures out that I
don't have enough disk space.

Couldn't RedHat's paragon of leading-edge installation software technology
have told me that I didn't have enough disk space _BEORE_ it formatted my

It _that_ broken, or what?  Sheesh!

BTW: is missing the
powertools directory.  Consequently, the symlink for the powertools iso image
in /linux/redhat/releases/guiness/iso/7.0-i386-powertools.iso points into the
