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printtool and ncp printers

I'm writing to print to netware printers. The following command works fine
to print to an HP Laserjet 4SI

cat |nprint -S ETIENNE -q queue -

I have my password in ~/.nwclient

I setup up the printer with redhat 5.2's printtool with teh same server
and queue name. I typed in my name and password in the fields and tried
both the generic postscript file and the hp4/5/6 filter.

cat|lpr -Pnwprinter

doesn't print anything. I've tried changing the filter and removing the
user name and password via printtool, but no luck. 

How can I see the error messages (if any) that nprint or the printer is
giving me. Any ideas on how to set this up. I feels like the problem is
the filter, but since catting the postscript file to nprint works fine, I
don't know why lpr doesn't work with a generic postscript printer filter. 

Also, when I print with workperfect, I setup a separate printer filter --
does it disable lpr's filter or does it run its filter and then lpr uses



Ben Luey
ICQ: 19144397

Political power grows out of trhe barrel of a gun."  -- Mao Tse-tung